Ask any structural engineer, when strength factors are to be recognized shotcrete is required. Gunite companies cannot guarantee their product to 2500 psi. Just ask one to put that in writing. Most shotcrete companies product, is an engineered mix from the plant at a min of 4000psi. Most can get an engineered design mix at 7500 psi if requested. And yes, shotcrete has rock in it for structural strength. Gunite being man mixed at site has much more margin for error. Both are applied by air pressure. Gunite pools will lose their finish sooner and are more prone to crack because of lack of strength integrity. Simple test for those in question, take a mason drill bit or air chisel to Gunite and then Shotcrete and see which is less resistant. For the Shotcrete test bring a lunch, you’ll be there a while! – With our Swimming Pool Plans we will guide you as to which product would be a best fit for your Swimming Pool Plans.
Gunite and Shotcrete are the same thing. They are both a force applied concrete application. The difference between Gunite and Shotcrete is this: one is concrete mixed with water at the site (Gunite) and the other is concrete mixed with water in a truck and then brought to the site (Shotcrete)
One has aggregate in it and the other has none the aggregate strengthens the cement. Cement for other things like bridge’s and road’s has rock to make it stronger. Shotcrete is concrete as , Gunite is not.
Gunite is a nick name for shotcrete there are 2 kinds wet mix and dry mix dry mix is mixed at the nozzole wet mix comes wet and has rocks in it among other things to make it stronger for the frost we get in the mid-west gunite is the nick name of the first wet mix crew in 1942 during the war a man who owned the gunite gun smith shop invented the first shotcrete-wet mix nozzle when the air strips got shot up to keep our plains on the ground the gunite crew would spray and cut the air field in no time at all this is documented and i have seen pic of the first gunite crew, many say shotcrete-wet mix which is a lot stronger than shotcrete-dry mix.
If there are no rocks in a wet mix the sand will dry pack in the hose causing a LONG day. Rock is needed to help float the material on pumping applications over 125 feet.
I think both have there strong and weak points. The Dry process (Gunite) is a mixture of mainly sand and cement. The dry process is shot though the hoses like a sand blast operation with the water being applied at the very end of the hose. But when applied to a pool the crews mainly do the floors first due to the large amount of rebound produced. When the walls, benches , spas are shot the crews must throw out the rebound . The wet process which is a mixture of sand, cement, small pea gravel and water produces little or no rebound so the walls are applied first then the floor shot last.The wet process is brought out by cement truck and pumped with a small concrete pump then the air is applied at the very end to spray the material in place. All excess material pulled from walls are pulled in floor area and then shot over. This can’t be done with the dry process. On the other hand during the summer months the dry process has an advantage as the wet process has a limited time to place and finish from the time of being batched at the concrete plant. The dry process is mixed on the job site allowing more time to work. I personally prefer the wet process as there is less equipment involved and I believe a more consistent product is produced.
For a helpful discourse on the difference between gunite or shotcrete check out this web page
Do NOT let there be confusion between the two. SHOTCRETE is DIFFERENT from GUNITE. There was a recent legal action that forced shotcrete companies claiming they were Gunite, to remove all references to Gunite from their work. Any Engineer that knows these two applications will tell you the difference.
GUNITE is a dry mix of sand and cement blow through a hose, water is added at the nozzle. as the material comes out, you have complete control over the water content, you can make it as dry or wet as you want. you add just enough water to make the material sticky (MUCH less water than a normal, if you tried to pump this material, you would probably blow up your pump. the material is moving at a high rate of speed as it comes out of the hose, the trickle of water doesn’t even slow it down. Resulting in a higher PSI application, packing material tighter than Shotcrete can. Since you can make this material as dry as you want, you can achieve the strongest known form of concrete.
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- Which is Better, Shotcrete or Gunite for your Swimming Pool Plans - April 25, 2017