
Custom Shapes Available

Flat Fee For Designs Up To 10,000 Square Feet

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Upgrade #5 – Custom Detailed Specification Outline.



This product can only be purchased by members. To purchase this product, sign up by purchasing Membership, or log in if you are a member.


This program requires standard membership and our plan services feature listed above. With program feature upgrade #5 You receive our exclusive detailed specifications package that is tailored from your swimming pool drawing. These exclusive documents have been designed to cater to the same language each phase contractor refers to of their scope of work needed on a pool plan. The results are a clear understanding line by line of what is being asked of them to bid. This translates hours of clear speak to those adding up the numbers for your bids. You will contain all contractors to what is known as bidding Apples to Apples. These detailed specification sheets coupled with our phase check off sheets included in our standard membership package will contain the pre-walk and the post-walk, minus additions, deletions or change-orders.

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July 2nd, 2018

“Father of the Year” by Happy Madison Productions.

We are so excited to have been asked to be a part of this movie made for Netflix, out July 20th 2018... more


June 12th, 2017

Flipping Buddies HGTV NEW EPISODE

NEW HGTV SHOW TO WATCH SAT JUNE 17th @ 2pm --- Hi Friends, Two of my clients, John and Steve both ha... more


April 25th, 2017

Which is Better, Shotcrete or Gunite for your Swimming Pool Plans

Ask any structural engineer, when strength factors are to be recognized shotcrete is required. G... more


April 6th, 2017

Orange County Pool Plans

Swimming Pool Plans - When Building a Pool In the O.C. Swimming Pool Plan designs in Orange Count... more



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